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Did you know that the tool you use to clean your dishes will also need to be cleaned and even be replaced? But how often should this be done? Here are a few tips.

• Sponge

The kitchen sponge is perhaps the big culprit of bacteria buildup, especially if not properly rinsed off after use and stored in a damp place. Replacing the sponge is a matter subject to how often it is used. Ideally, it is used once or twice a day and therefore should be replaced at least once a month.

In short, that means you have at least 30 uses of the kitchen sponge before you deciding to new at a new one. To maintain a clean bacteria-free sponge, place it in the dishwasher along with the dishes during every run. For homes without a dishwasher, the alternative will be soaking the sponge in hot water that contains dishwashing bleach to kill the bacteria.

• Cloth

Dishcloths also should be handled the same way as the sponge. That means replacing them after at least 30 uses. The fabric is as susceptible to bacterial buildup as the sponges because they are kept in warm and moist conditions that ideal for bacteria to thrive. As such, no significant reason make the sponge the ideal choice over a dishcloth or vice-vasa. But with the dishcloth, you can clean it by throwing it into the washing machine, which is not the case with the kitchen sponge.

Remember that hot water and bleach will be the ultimate disinfectant for these materials. Moreover, consider hanging the cloth and the sponge out to dry in the sun as opposed to using the dryer.

• Brush

Brushes are regarded as the most hygienic dishwashing tools. They are easy to clean, are made from sturdy materials that are easy to clean, and they dry fast. As such, they are not likely to be a prominent place for bacterial growth. You mostly need to toss them in the dishwasher, if they are safe to go in such a machine, and they will be clean for use on your kitchenware.

Sometimes, you can pit the bristles of the brush in a quarter glass of pure vinegar for a few hours then remove it and rinse it off with hot water. It will not only kill any bacteria but also loosen any debris. You may need to run a fork through the bristles to remove the particles.

Clean your cleaning supplies

Aside from knowing how to clean your cleaning supplies, you also should be aware of when you need to replace them. That is the trick to having a clean, healthy, and happy kitchen.

The level of cleanliness is something you should ensure that the professional house cleaning services your hire also strive to maintain. Get in contact with one sooner than later.