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My girlfriend is great, and we are getting ready to move in together. Can you believe it? A girl actual wants to live with me. Yeah, I just high fived my younger, unpopular, self in my head.

Now, we had to decide to move into her place, mine, or get a new one. She has nice place, but mine has more room. Mine is also just a small commute for each of us to get to work. Mine has a great rent. So, in the end we decided on her moving in with me.

Okay, that problem is solved, but…


And now the next set of problems will arrive. She loves things that are environmentally friendly. Which is amazing that she loves me because I’m about as environmentally friendly as a gas station, but I am a good listener.

I had to learn what DIY stood for. You think I would know that , but I just had never heard the term. If for some reason you are this boat: DIY means Do-It-Yourself.

Yeah, I felt unsmart about that one. She likes mixing together natural ingredients for her cleaning projects. Things like baking soda and lemons. I never thought about this stuff, but hey I want a girlfriend.It’d be nice to keep her. I mean, yeah, I have to save the world, but all worth it in the end, right?

Now, I didn’t just want to clean the kitchen counter. I wanted something that would impress her. I had no idea where to start, then I opened my closet to grab my coat one night and there it was. My carpet cleaning machine. My Dad gave it to me when I moved out. It was his and I just figured he wanted an excuse to buy a new one.

I tried it once. I bought the chemicals, read the instructions and it worked. Then I put it in my closet and I never used it.

Then the lightbulb went off. I guarantee she has never natural cleaned a carpet with a machine. I didn’t even know if it was possible. So, I researched it. And it is possible. Just do what I’ve listed below and watch the magic happen. And it is kinda fun to mix all that stuff together. Have fun!

DIY Machine Carpet Cleaner

  • 1 Gallon Hot Water
  • ½  Cap Fabric Softener (I used Downey) Stir Slowly Then Add


Combine the ingredients and start your cleaning. This is the natural way to make your carpet cleaner. And I really believe it made it cleaner than my store bought cleaner I had used in the past. And best of all she was impressed. Of course, now I have to do more of this stuff. So, I will be looking up how to clean with lemons next. We’ll see what happens…