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Everyone wants clean, pristine windows so that they could peep through and savor the colorful, blooming abundance of Spring. However, window washing is a challenging physical job; there’s no other way. If you use paper towels and glass cleaners, you’re far from a perfect cleaning tenure. For best Spring Cleaning of Windows, you need to follow a dedicated approach. Here’s how to ensure effective cleaning. 

Tools for Spring Cleaning of Windows 

Here’s a list of tools you may need for the cleaning process. 

Drip cloths or absorbent towels – They protect floors, sills, and furniture from drips. 

A large bucket/tub – Fill it with warm water. Add a couple of drops of low sudsing soap or a regular dish- washing liquid. 

Spray bottle – Fill it with the same solution that you’ve in the tub/bucket. The spray will come in handy for small panes and French doors. 

Razor or plastic scraper – It removes dead bugs as well as debris that get stuck into glass panes. 

A top-quality squeegee – It can come in handy to avoid streaking and remove water. Just be sure you pick a 

new and quality squeegee for the best results. 

A large, soft sponge – It can wring thoroughly with no problem. A sponge will offer maximum coverage with minimum effort without slopping soap, water that may pose damaging threats. 

Absorbent rags – They let you quickly wipe out spills and drips from floors, sills, and other water-sensitive areas. 

Good-quality microfiber cloths – They’ll streamline the final drying process. Plus, they’ll buff panes in a more pristine manner. 

A vacuum – Attach it with a dusting device for cleaning hard-to-reach window screens and frames. 

A garden hose – A quality hose with some old rags is ideal for screen washing. 

Method of Spring Cleaning of Windows 

First of all, choose a cloudy day for the job. Bright sunny weather will make it difficult to spot subtle dirt, dust, and streaks on clean windowpanes. Also, the sunny heat will dry the panes faster, thus affecting the streaking task. 

Lay down towels and cloths. Now inspect any crusted debris and scrap it out. Use a vacuuming device to collect dead bugs as well as other debris accumulated within the frame. 

Soak the sponge in the bucket/tub and wring it thoroughly. Hold the absorbent rag in the other hand to collect drips as they occur. 

Start from the top; wash each pane on all sides. Also, get to the corner areas to remove dirt and dust from edges. 

After washing, squeeze the panes immediately. Use a rag for drying a small portion of the pane. Subsequently, draw the squeegee from the dry part to the bottom of the pane. That will keep any dripping during the squeegee process. 

Once the squeegee task is over, wipe out the moisture from sills and frames using the absorbent rag. Finally, polish the pane using a dry microfiber cloth for a lovely, streak-free shine. 

Bottom line 

Spring cleaning of windows can be a daunting chore. However, you may do away with this challenge with the right tools and an effective method. Follow the above advice and stick to it properly. Within no time, you could have clean and pristine windowpanes to enjoy the colorful, blooming abundance of Spring, if you,  call us and schedule your next cleaning with Think Maids!