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My husband refers to me as the “Queen of Dinner Parties”! And I suppose he isn’t wrong, I absolutely love hosting events for our friends and family at our home! It gives me a sense of pride to hold events the people cherish for years after. Most people are surprised to hear my favorite part about each one…. The cleaning! Nope! I’m not lying to you! I think the cleanliness and scent of your home set the mood for your guests. I’m always getting told “how AMAZING it smells in my home”, and asked for my cleaning secrets!

Well you’re in luck today! Here are my 5 FAVORITE ways to make your house smell AMAZING!

  1. Simmer some spices.

You know how good your home smells when you’re making mulled wine or cider? You can have that all the time, even if you aren’t prepping big-batch cocktails for a party. Simply take a few sticks of cinnamon and simmer them in a small pot of water on your stove. Once your house smells all warm and cinnamon-y, switch off the burner, and fish out the cinnamon sticks. Let them dry and you can use them a few more times before they lose their potency.

  1. “Bake” an air freshener.

The genius of this “baked” air freshener is that it uses ingredients that were likely destined for your compost bin. Instead of tossing those apple cores or orange peels, place them in a piece of parchment, and sprinkle them with a few of your favorite spices. Once again, cinnamon is a real winner here. Then simply place the parchment in your oven (we recommend putting it inside a small oven-safe ramekin or dish) and set it to 200°F for as long as you want the smell to last.

  1. Essential Oils

This one is my personal favorite… and probably most used! I love my diffusers and they are SO easy to use. You just fill it up with water, pour a few drops of your favorite essential oil in, and turn it on. The diffuser creates a fine mist that carries the scent of the essential oils throughout the house.

Since it almost spring, this is one of my all time favorite spring scents!

Spring Blossom

*With an invigorating aroma and hints of floral sweetness, this rejuvenating blend is perfect for bright spring mornings*

-2 drops Jasmine

-2 drops eucalyptus globulus

-1 drops peppermint

  1. Scented Cleaning Vinegars

When trying to get rid of unpleasant smells in your home, it’s not enough just to cover them up! A good deep cleaning session will typically do the trick of eliminating the odar. And if your using a cleaner that leaves behind a fresh scent, even better! Cleaning with a scented vinegar not only cleans, but leaves an amazing scent. I personally add lemon essential oils into mine! 🙂

  1. Deodorizing Carpet Powder

One of the most overlooked spots for unwanted smells is the fibers in your carpet! Eliminate those odors by making your own deodorizing carpet powder. Sprinkle the powder on your carpets, let it sit, and vacuum as usual. Not only does the powder help pick up dirt and hair, it also leaves behind a light, fresh scent.

My Recipe is SO simple!


  1. 2 cups baking soda
  2. 30 drops lavender essential oil


  1. Combine baking soda and essential oil in a mason jar
  2. Cap and shake well to combine
  3. Remove cap and replace inner lid with construction paper
  4. Secure rim and cut off excess construction paper
  5. Poke holes in the construction paper
  6. Apply liberally to carpets
  7. Wait at least 1-2 hours (I do it right before I go to bed and vacuum it up the next morning)
  8. Vacuum thoroughly. You may have to do a couple passes to get everything!

I hope these 5 AMAZING tips get your houseguests to tell you “How amazing your home smells”! Happy Cleaning!